150,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    ARIUS - (c. 260-327 AD) was an important theologian and priest in early Christianity whose controversial teachings and views soon played a significant role in church history. Born in Libya, Arius soon became one of the most influential theologians of his time. Arius' teachings focused primarily on the nature of the Trinity. Arius can be considered an early proponent of Hermetic teachings, although he may not have been aware of these details. He was a pioneer in metaphysics and a man of peace who fought for truth at the same time. He was willing to reveal the truth even if it meant reconsidering his own religious beliefs. Arius brought the light of peace to the darkness while renewing fundamental concepts of his religion. His teachings and steadfastness have left a lasting impact on the development of Christian theology and discussions about the nature of God. In the work ARIUS, a battle of GOOD and EVIL is metaphorically depicted. The scene takes place in the style of John Milton's "Paradise Lost". If one considers now that there is no GOOD or EVIL, but only two ends on a line mean, then one recognizes the symbolism behind it, which can be derived from view of the metaphysics and the hermetic teachings. We live in an illusion!

    100,00 550,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    MOTHER EARTH stands for Mother Gaia, the Mother of all of us on this plane. It is the purity of the soul and the physical universe. It is water, it is earth, it is fire, it is air and it brings us everything we need to live a peaceful and fulfilling life. She has no ego and can also be very strict when she notices that things are not going in her rhythm. Basically it is the garden of love, but its love has no ego, so it is often confused by people, because people confuse their ego almost exclusively with love. It is the garden that is meant to help us become what we are meant to become, and it was also meant for us. This is where paradise was born, but we were separated. We still have the power to change the path.

    50,00 200,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    By buying a voucher you can make your loved ones or just people you like happy. You have the wonderful opportunity to give them an artistic impulse. In addition, you support me as an artist and help me to continue my work and to draw the attention of people who do not yet know SIGGI VON VRIL. Thank you very much.


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