120,00 650,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    The Roman moon goddess Luna still gives the moon its name in Italian. She is the light of night and the guardian of magic and magic. At a new moon, it retires to renew itself. Like her brother, the sun god Sol, Luna was a patron goddess of the Roman circus. Both together, he ascending, they descending, served as an image for eternity. Together with Diana and Hecate, Luna formed a triad of goddesses: Luna as Goddess of Heaven, Diana as Goddess of Earth and Hecate as Goddess of the Underworld. Until the Middle Ages Luna provided protection and umbrella to all sailors and also to the sailors who orientated themselves by the stars at night. The Roman circus should be treated with great caution, because it hides many secrets that have had no effect on mankind and still do not. We must not forget that the Roman Catholic Church was the author of a worldwide genocide that led to the extermination and subjugation, that is, the enslavement of many cultured peoples.

    120,00 650,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    NORDIC WARRIOR was born out of a time of grief and loss. The picture symbolizes the transformation of the energy of sadness and pain into energy of strength and courage. When I created this picture, I learned for the first time that you can direct and transform your energy. Turn into the opposite. We always have all the possibilities available and it is up to us to recognise and focus on these possibilities. This experience has shown that, behind everything, it is the intention that guides us. Our energetic universe has everything in store for us. We are the architects of our happiness and our misfortune. We are like small antennas in the universe that, if set correctly, can also receive the right information. This picture shows me (as a symbol) with my dog, still in this reality, but ready to write the next chapter.
  • DAWN

    120,00 650,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    DAWN embodies the original moments of twilight. In full grace and splendor, it rises above the night darkness and ushers in the delicate light of the coming day. The air is so pure and clear that during this magical time the boundaries between reality and the supernatural become blurred. For those who are attentive, entities and energies become palpable. It is the perfect moment to linger in meditation and manifest the things that are meant to enrich one's life. "The quiet beauty of dawn acts as nature's most soothing balm for a troubled mind."

    150,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    SHINU MU - peace loving people. A personal visualization of the legend of the HOPI people. It is one of the most fascinating legends, whose history goes back thousands of thousands of years. They tell of their friends, the gods, who emerged from the underground and helped them survive. They taught the HOPIs many useful things such as astrology and agriculture. In the teachings of the HOPI there are cycles of time that are similar to the mythology of the Aztecs and many other mythologies. They talk about mixed beings and exciting things that make sense today. SHI NU MU - An artistic combination of fiction and science.

    150,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    There are numerous traditions, myths and legends about the nature of the Earth or, more precisely, about the workings of what we call the world. Some of these tales are about breaking the illusion, escaping from the so-called matrix. From a philosophical point of view, this subject should be considered at a higher level. There one recognizes that it is about obscuring the truth and distracting from a higher purpose that most are not aware of and never will be. Elevation metaphorically represents the breaking out of this veiled world, towards a world that is permeated with consciousness. The illusory separation from the whole, the emergence of the individual ego, was the loss of paradise. This is what causes people pain and sadness - the loss of connection to one's soul and the spiritual realm. The restoration of this connection to the soul will mean the healing of man. "I have awakened to realize that the rest of the world is still slumbering." (Leonardo da Vinci)
  • VANADIS – The ways of the lonely ones

    150,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    VANADIS - Goddess of vanities who encourages us to take the path to a higher consciousness. This path is usually devoid of human society and group dynamics. The seeker finds himself more and more in silence, in order to be able to design his own journey even more intensively. Observations, contemplation, reading and learning of ancient mystical teachings are important elements for anyone who places the concept of life above the material consciousness. Ancient civilizations with advanced consciousness may once have been part of our world. The idea of living in harmony with nature and its cosmic laws shaped their rich world. Innovative concepts and awareness-expanding life perspectives gave them strength and a long life. The visualization of the work VANADIS is a thanksgiving to our existence and the awakening of the soul.

  • NEITH – The ways of the lonely ones

    150,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    Like VANADIS, NEITH is a deity, but who was more known in the Egyptian space and found its meaning. She was also known to the Berbers and was revered as a protector, warlord and creator. The series THE WAYS OF THE LONELY ONES symbolizes great and strong personalities who have gone and continue to go their way to serve humanity and our level. It stands for courage, strength, honesty and love for all that surrounds us. It shows that the path is often lonely, but also because so many beings here have not lifted their veil yet. And because it is the silence from which the power comes.

    150,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    The systematic decimation of the ancient peoples of the world, visualized in BEFORE FORGOTTEN, is the basis of what we are experiencing today. The higher self is largely cut off and people live in low-vibrating frequencies that they have imposed on themselves by manipulation from outside. The increase in madness that we are witnessing on the worldly level of play is triggering another change in our society. That is why it is so important to find our soul in order to realize the goal of the higher self in accordance with the cosmic laws, without being manipulated. Beings who do not want to cooperate with us will try at every opportunity to divert us from our path in order to ultimately gain control of humanity. Free-thinking people are uncontrollable and therefore not the ideal model for a material-thinking society that has made it its life's mission to acquire material goods instead of focusing on higher consciousness and fullness for all people.

    150,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    ARIUS - (c. 260-327 AD) was an important theologian and priest in early Christianity whose controversial teachings and views soon played a significant role in church history. Born in Libya, Arius soon became one of the most influential theologians of his time. Arius' teachings focused primarily on the nature of the Trinity. Arius can be considered an early proponent of Hermetic teachings, although he may not have been aware of these details. He was a pioneer in metaphysics and a man of peace who fought for truth at the same time. He was willing to reveal the truth even if it meant reconsidering his own religious beliefs. Arius brought the light of peace to the darkness while renewing fundamental concepts of his religion. His teachings and steadfastness have left a lasting impact on the development of Christian theology and discussions about the nature of God. In the work ARIUS, a battle of GOOD and EVIL is metaphorically depicted. The scene takes place in the style of John Milton's "Paradise Lost". If one considers now that there is no GOOD or EVIL, but only two ends on a line mean, then one recognizes the symbolism behind it, which can be derived from view of the metaphysics and the hermetic teachings. We live in an illusion!

    150,00 330,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    THE ONE AS TWO - is about mothers who want to protect their children from a powerful force and flee to another world to do so. THE ONE AS TWO is about the spiritual and physical connection between a mother and her child.

    150,00 650,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    INFINITE WORLDS - an inner sanctum and journey. Similar setting, but different time and storyline in all three artworks. EIHWAZ, THE ONE AS TWO & of course INFINITE WORLDS, living in parallel worlds where you can see as a viewer that some things never change and some do drasticially. Three womans with three important storys to tell. In quantum physics we are getting more and more the conclusion that to our world, there are maybe many other strings with other worlds which are similar to ours. Time is not linear, kits parallel. If its really like that then we livig in a simulation and it would makes more sense how so many people here on our realm are so cruel. Maybe they know. What if we are in a soul trap and some knnows about it and take benefit from it? Of course everything here is for entertaining purpose. If you know you know.
  • 2040 – PHOENIX

    180,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    What would happen if the events on the world stage were neither the result of chance nor of madness? The PHOENIX hypothesis describes a recurring cycle that is always accompanied by the most diverse catastrophes. There is an assumption that the next Phoenix event will take place in 2040 and that our reality as we know it will then no longer be the same. Inspired by this theory, I developed the "2040" series to visualize my vision of the energy I believe will be prevalent then. It is about cohesion, unconditional love and mutual support in cultic communities that will no longer leave room for materialism.


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