• VANADIS – The ways of the lonely ones

    150,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    VANADIS - Goddess of vanities who encourages us to take the path to a higher consciousness. This path is usually devoid of human society and group dynamics. The seeker finds himself more and more in silence, in order to be able to design his own journey even more intensively. Observations, contemplation, reading and learning of ancient mystical teachings are important elements for anyone who places the concept of life above the material consciousness. Ancient civilizations with advanced consciousness may once have been part of our world. The idea of living in harmony with nature and its cosmic laws shaped their rich world. Innovative concepts and awareness-expanding life perspectives gave them strength and a long life. The visualization of the work VANADIS is a thanksgiving to our existence and the awakening of the soul.


    90,00 650,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    VRIL the cosmic energy. Vril, also called prana, chi, primordial force, primordial energy, etc. , is the force that drives us. Cosmic energies that we receive for transformation into creation. It is a universal creative energy that was also known and appreciated in ancient cultures. Achievements of the human spirit from ancient times should once again become common property of the present. The primordial force has been rediscovered, the emerald tablets of the great Hermes Trismegistos shine in the green-blue light of the dawn. The dawn of Uranid domination of nature, and the subsequent attempt to awaken the interest of broad masses in the cosmic universal energy. TWINS OF VRIL pays homage to this idea of universal energy and serves to raise awareness of a world that is still hidden from us, but is slowly awakening from its sleepy sleep.

    90,00 650,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    VRIL the cosmic primal energy. Vril, also called prana, chi, primordial force, primordial energy, etc. , is the force that drives us. Cosmic energies that we receive for transformation into creation. It is a universal creative energy that was also known and appreciated in ancient cultures. Achievements of the human spirit from ancient times should once again become common property of the present. The primordial force has been rediscovered, the emerald tablets of the great Hermes Trismegistos shine in the green-blue light of the dawn. The dawn of Uranid domination of nature, and the subsequent attempt to awaken the interest of broad masses in the cosmic universal energy. TWINS OF VRIL pays homage to this idea of universal energy and serves to raise awareness of a world that is still hidden from us, but is slowly awakening from its sleepy sleep.

    90,00 500,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    TRANSCENDENCE, leaving all thoughts behind. Just experience deep stillness, calm alertness. This state can be achieved by the technique of Transcendental Meditation. In doing so, one's own attention goes very far inward. At the end of the day, there is nothing that draws attention outward - no sensory perceptions, no actions, no thoughts. Become NOBODY. "When the soul returns to itself, it enters the other world, into a realm of purity, eternity and immortality. The soul is the image of God" (Plato). In the past, people in all cultures had techniques to put the mind in a state of complete tranquility. So they kept in touch with their higher self. In the course of time, these natural and effortless methods of putting the mind into a state of stillness have been lost. In ancient texts it is said that this experience is necessary in order to develop our full human potential, which for the people of earlier times was the basis of their lives. In doing so, they experienced a lasting connection with their fellow human beings and nature. "Humanity suffers, among other things, because it no longer uses these techniques of Transcendental Meditation. " (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)

    150,00 330,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    THE ONE AS TWO - is about mothers who want to protect their children from a powerful force and flee to another world to do so. THE ONE AS TWO is about the spiritual and physical connection between a mother and her child.

    150,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    SHINU MU - peace loving people. A personal visualization of the legend of the HOPI people. It is one of the most fascinating legends, whose history goes back thousands of thousands of years. They tell of their friends, the gods, who emerged from the underground and helped them survive. They taught the HOPIs many useful things such as astrology and agriculture. In the teachings of the HOPI there are cycles of time that are similar to the mythology of the Aztecs and many other mythologies. They talk about mixed beings and exciting things that make sense today. SHI NU MU - An artistic combination of fiction and science.

    100,00 550,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    SCULPTURE AFRICAINE symbolizes the early artistic representation of African art of a time long almost forgotten. African art, especially sculptural art, is characterized by a rich cultural diversity and a deep spiritual heritage. These art forms reflect the diversity of African peoples, their traditions, rituals, and ways of life. African sculptures are often made from a variety of materials such as wood, metal, ivory, or clay, and are characterized by their symbolic meaning and artistic sophistication. African sculptural art is known for its expressive facial features and vivid forms. It often represents human figures or animals and frequently serves ritual or religious purposes. These works of art are often used in conjunction with belief systems and spiritual practices to provide protection, healing, or fertility.

    120,00 650,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    NORDIC WARRIOR was born out of a time of grief and loss. The picture symbolizes the transformation of the energy of sadness and pain into energy of strength and courage. When I created this picture, I learned for the first time that you can direct and transform your energy. Turn into the opposite. We always have all the possibilities available and it is up to us to recognise and focus on these possibilities. This experience has shown that, behind everything, it is the intention that guides us. Our energetic universe has everything in store for us. We are the architects of our happiness and our misfortune. We are like small antennas in the universe that, if set correctly, can also receive the right information. This picture shows me (as a symbol) with my dog, still in this reality, but ready to write the next chapter.

    100,00 550,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    NONHUMAN is a tribute to the female potential. The power of feminine energy is imbued with genetic advantages and phenomena. Without the feminine on our level, there would be no masculine potential. Only in harmony with both energies can the greatest potential of both emerge. The whole world consists of opposites, which actually belong together and only together unfold the highest power. In our society, we have moved so far away from this knowledge that, in principle, we are only vegetating in isolation. Nobody feels like they belong anymore. The intention? NONHUMAN is the awareness of the feminine magical energy and its allies. It is the true heritage of mankind, almost destroyed by false religious concepts. There is no substitute for it, even if it may appear that way on the outside. It is time to become aware of it. We're in danger of losing that energy.

    100,00 600,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    NEW WORLD symbolizes the primordial power of man, which is released to create a new, harmonious world. A kind of reset on a cosmic level, leading us to our primordial potential. This primordial potential will bring us peace, long life and fullness for all people. We will learn what the world around us has to give without exploiting it. In harmony with Mother Gaia, we are ready to celebrate and defend love and life together with all our might. Detached from old imposed dogmas that are not human. "Know thyself"
  • NEITH – The ways of the lonely ones

    150,00 750,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    Like VANADIS, NEITH is a deity, but who was more known in the Egyptian space and found its meaning. She was also known to the Berbers and was revered as a protector, warlord and creator. The series THE WAYS OF THE LONELY ONES symbolizes great and strong personalities who have gone and continue to go their way to serve humanity and our level. It stands for courage, strength, honesty and love for all that surrounds us. It shows that the path is often lonely, but also because so many beings here have not lifted their veil yet. And because it is the silence from which the power comes.

    100,00 550,00 

    Kein Mehrwertsteuerausweis, da Kleinunternehmer nach §19 (1) UStG.

    MOTHER EARTH stands for Mother Gaia, the Mother of all of us on this plane. It is the purity of the soul and the physical universe. It is water, it is earth, it is fire, it is air and it brings us everything we need to live a peaceful and fulfilling life. She has no ego and can also be very strict when she notices that things are not going in her rhythm. Basically it is the garden of love, but its love has no ego, so it is often confused by people, because people confuse their ego almost exclusively with love. It is the garden that is meant to help us become what we are meant to become, and it was also meant for us. This is where paradise was born, but we were separated. We still have the power to change the path.


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