Creative activism for peace „Make Art not War“
Creative activism and the way of life
How creative activism is bringing us all closer together again. The „Make Art not War“ exhibition in Berlin 2024
The IAFF is a registered art […]
How creative activism is bringing us all closer together again. The „Make Art not War“ exhibition in Berlin 2024
The IAFF is a registered art […]
How exciting collaborations give artists like me the opportunity to develop even more creatively, take on challenges and surpass themselves.
Projekt Fetisch GmbH about ATELER VRIL: Design and illustration interface website
What is a digital Fine Art Collage
An artistic form of representation
What is digital fine art collage. Digital fine art collage is a creative art form that brings traditional collage techniques into the digital world. Unlike traditional collages that are created with paper, scissors, and glue, digital fine art collages are created using graphic design programs on a computer.
Digital fine art collages can convey messages, stories and moods.
Digital collages are created from a variety of sources, including photographs, paintings, textures, typographic elements, and other digital […]